Melanie Carlile - Director/Producer
Melanie attended UCLA and The Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, NY where she studied method acting, directing and playwriting. She gained valuable experience in Paris, New York and Latin America, working on both sides of the camera, before launching Barefeet Films. Melanie also runs a non profit filmmaking workshop each year, teaching writing and acting skills in different communities around the globe. The workshops generally culminate in a creative film or writing project at the end of each session, and encourage local people, as well as indigenous and women filmmakers to share their truly unique and personal stories. Melanie has a B.A. in Film and Journalism, a master's in Anthropology. Melanie runs the Barefeet Films video production house, and continues freelancing on various productions in different countries and still enjoying her work on both sides of the camera. Currently she is in pre production for a series set in Spain.
Cindy Smith - Producer
Cindy was born and raised in Boston, and moved to New York to pursue a career in dance after completing her undergraduate studies. Soon after arriving in New York, Cindy began working in musical theatre productions and short films, which subsequently led to her interest in directing and producing. Cindy traveled around the US with a traveling theatre company for six months and upon her return to New York began her studies at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute. While at Strasberg, Cindy met up with fellow actor Melanie Carlile when they performed side-by-side in a number of plays. After completing their training at Strasberg, both Cindy and Melanie decided it was time to take on some of their own projects. Cindy co-produced Barefeet Films' first four films and also played a lead role in each. She is currently working on various productions in front of and behind the camera and working as a drama therapist.