Are we all connected through life's little and meaningless occurrences? Are they really so meaningless? An array of characters from different communities around Sydney are unknowingly connected through an overseas visitor. Does one person decide their destiny or are they in control of their own destinies? The question being, do we determine our own fate or is it determined by the actions of complete strangers? How much control do we actually have over our lives?

Jerome and Farrah runaway from their lives in Sydney's West, attempting to leave their family troubles behind.
Rose is slowly losing her hearing. Communication breaks down. Grandma Mere warns Rose about her choices.
Backpackers, Olivier, Marco and Alex make the wrong choices one night.
Lily comes face-to-face with her former best friend Cheryl, and has to question her past actions all over again.
Theatre director Tara tries to get her life back on track after a shocking accident.
Tamer is forced to come to terms with his sexuality ans being accepted in his community.
Directed by Melanie Carlile
Written by: Melanie Carlile and Lula Varise
Assistant Director: Najee Tannous
Cinematography by: Aiko Mineishi, Ali Reggab, Nicolas Montano, and Francesco Chiari.
Sound by: Nicolas Montano, Tommy Larkin and Matt Chow.
Production Manager: Catherine Whiteman
Production Coordinators: Nobuaki Shimamoto, Donna Te Kanawa, Marcellus Cook.
Length: Feature Film
Production: Australia/New Zealand
Release Date: 2019 / Festival Screening Premiere 2019
Genre: Drama (some elements of supernatural)
Language: English, with English Subtitles for segments in Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Maori and Spanish.


Feature film, drama
Spanning 8 countries and 8 diary entries. We follow a traveller on a unique journey of emotions, experiences and adventures into the unknown.

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