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Weekly worksheets


Automatiza tu ingles 

gana confianza rápidamente con nuestro método |

clases Presenciales EN valencia

Actress and Film Crew
Business Meeting

Learn english

for meetings & presentations

Learn english through

films & series

Person smiling with a laptop

Learn english

1-to-1 or

with a friend

business english

  • Online Classes | Skype, Zoom, Meet or Teams

  • Classes 1 or 2 times per week


  1. Accent correction and reduction

  2. Preparation for presentations and/or interviews.

  3. Improve confidence for online meetings

  4. Specialized Paramount English drills and repetition exercises.

  5. Assistance with business emails.

  6. Focus on improving speaking fluidity

  7. Build and improve your use of phrasal verbs and expressions for business.

  8. Feel comfortable at business dinners and events by mastering 'small talk'.


English classes

  • Online Classes | Skype, Zoom, Meet or Teams

  • Classes 1 or 2 times per week

  • Classes with 1 or 2 students


  1. Accent correction and reduction

  2. Preposition tricks 

  3. Expression and phrasal verb drills with successful retention of new information.

  4. Specialized Paramount English drills and repetition exercises.

  5. Guided conversation 

  6. Focus on improving speaking fluidity

  7. Gerunds, infinitives, tenses... understand them all once and for all!

  8. Feel comfortable speaking on the phone, traveling, sending emails, in conversations and with 'small talk'.

  9. No boring grammar rules, we focus on formulas and repetition.


English thru movies

  • Online Classes or Group Classes in Valencia

  • Classes 1 or 2 times per week


  1. Learn english through watching your favorite movies and series.

  2. Learn English through reading and analyzing scripts

  3. Correct & reduce your accent.

  4. Learn expressions and phrasal verbs from real movie or series 

  5. Learn grammar through formulas and repetition exercises. 

  6. Improve vocabulary and confidence speaking English.


Business Meeting

intensive english classes

  • 1-hour classes everyday for a few weeks or months

  • Half hour classes 2-4 times a week for more regular practice.


In these classes we work on pronunciation and conversation, as well as grammar and vocab formulas with repetition exercises. Sometimes students find it difficult to fit 1-hour classes into their busy schedules, which is why it can be helpful to have 30 minute classes instead. These classes will give you daily practice Monday to Thursday, with 30 minute videos or homework over the weekend, giving you a dose of English every single day. This is the most proven way to advance fast!




Método basado en la conversación Y LA repetición

"la mejor forma de aprender es hablando"

  • profes nativos de Australia, Inglaterra y USA

  • ejercicios de repetición especializadas

  • después de 3 clases, tienes mas confianza 

  • todos los niveles  

  • clases en empresa, particulares o en grupos

  • método especializado para hispanohablantes

  • aprenda de manera divertida

  • con situaciones reales

  • por youtube, netflix, ted talks, etc.

  • ingles para negocios / business english

  • para ir de viajes

  • clases por teams o skype

"la práctica hace al maestro"


Con el método paramount aprenderás inglés de forma natural sin tener que estudiar libros o listas de gramática. Te enseñamos a automatizar tu inglés mediante el uso de diversos ejercicios especializados, repetición, conversación controlada, corrección de acento muy específica y enseñanza de la pronunciación. Esto da como resultado un inglés más natural y automático, como un hablante nativo, y una confianza que se disparará después de solo unas pocas lecciones.


Usamos los redes sociales para mejorar tus conocimientos de manera rápida!

Tenemos blogs, videos y fotos que te ayudan con las frases verbales, la gramática y las expresiones.

¡No te pierdas nuestras publicaciones de Instagram y Facebook!

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APRENDa con videos

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