about lolly & lani
I adopted Lolly (a borador - border collie + lab mix) from a little village in the south of Spain after she appeared on my facebook feed a few hours before my birthday. I had been dreaming of having a labrador or lab mix my entire life, but living in many places across the globe, this was never possible until I decided to settle in one place. Lolly is a truly beautiful girl, inside and out, but was severely abused... to the point it took 3 months to even get her to leave the house in the early days. She is still scared 3 years later, but has come a long way! Since owning Lolly, I have become a bit dog obsessed, as you do. I love all dogs, but especially labs and lab mixes, and this is why I decided to start Lolly Labrador. I currently teach English in Spain, but in a previous life I worked in multimedia --mainly film, video and design-- so putting together the two things I love, dogs + design, has been (and is!) dog-tastic! I hope to be able to build Lolly Labrador over the years to come :)