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Woman with Canvas Bag
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bags for gifts

bags for all tastes

bags for all uses

eco friendly

a picture is worth a thousand words




behind every busy (wo)man is a great bag



Little Vegan Bag was started by designer/filmmaker/actor/yogi Lani, after she realized that so many of her designs would be great on bags. Because Lani walks or bikes most places, bags have been her most valuable asset since ever she can remember. Her bags are described by her in so many ways: they are time saving, a fashion piece, a message, a carry-all, a Mary Poppins bottomless entity, savers of plastic bags, an extra bag you can get away with as carry on, and more! Often designing something in her spare time for social media or to give to a friend as the perfect gift or even as a joke, Lani realized that bags were the best way to save a message, rather than losing to Instagram after liking it. Lani figured, bags are easy to wear, without the image or wording being SO obvious as when wearing a T-shirt, but also, you can never have too many little cotton bags, everyone loves them, everyone uses them! All designs are by Lani and reflect the things she enjoys in life. She hopes you will enjoy them too and get great use out of them... whether for grocery shopping, yoga class, a baby bag or pet bag or to just carry your phone, keys and purse around, a little cotton bag or two more will never go astray!

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