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Wanna travel for free?

Are you dying to get out of the rat race? Are you a student or unemployed? Are you working like a trojan and saving up for a trip away. Do you desperately need an adventure?


Look no further. This could be your chance.


Become a Barefeet Adventures Satellite Star, and you could be on your way across the globe before you know it!


*Everything included in the package is what you get.


Travel 4 Free Application

Name:  your first and last name

Email:  a reliable email address

Subject:  I wanna be a satellite star





Favorite city, season, travel movie & food? (as of today)

If you were an animal, you would be a...



Favorite quote:

Three things on your bucket list:

Place you want to visit the most:

What do you do for a living:

Have you studied anything in particular:

Have you worked in sales before:

Do you have a website:

Facebook name: (and other social media)

Skype name: (and availability, your time zone)


Writer, artist or filmmaker?

Are you a budding writer, artist or filmmaker? Or perhaps you write, draw, design or shoot for a living? Are you a freelancer? Or maybe just a backpacking nomad. 


Now is your chance to put all that great travel experience and those far-out and heartfelt stories to work. We wanna hear about them! Once a month we will be awarding a writer, artist and filmmaker with $100 each for the best video, and best travel story. 


The travel story can be anything you wish it to be. It can be funny, sad or right out unbelievable. Its up to you, let your creative juices flow!


The travel video can also be anything you like. Any genre and any length. The music must be owned by you (check out such places as JewelBeat) and the footage must also all be owned by you.


Artists, you can design, draw, paint, collage, express yourself however you like! The artwork must also be completely owned by you.  


We look forward to reading about your adventures and seeing your films!

For writers, artists and filmmakers who submit regularly, we will consider them as teaching candidates for programs. You will be contacted, and we will skype interview you and ask to see you portfolio and cv. This is another way to get free travel, and PAY!! Just show us you are enthusiastic about what we do, and eager to join the team!

Writer & Filmmaker Application

Name:  your first and last name

Email:  a reliable email address

Subject: I wanna be Barefeet Writer/Filmmaker


Include your article or a link to your video or artwork in the message area. You must also state that you own all the rights to the material. Answer all the questions indicated in the Travel 4 Free desciption as well.


Travel 4 Free!

How does it work?


1. Sign up on this page.


2. You will receive an email asking you for a skype interview if you are accepted into the program.


3. Do your skype interview, have fun with it!


4. Use social media, discover other Satellite Stars and have them join, make videos and blog entries on our site, start a meetup group in your city, make cold calls, advertise in a local paper, noticeboard or on facebook, tell all your friends and family, get in touch with local travel agencies... Market the living daylights out of us! This can be like a full time gig or a side gig for students or people with other jobs.


4. Sell only THREE programs, and receive a free ride to any location/program of you choosing, including your commission. This will include airfare, accomodation, program costs and weekly guidance during your time as a Barefeet Satellite Star.


5. We have a very high commission as we want to give you incentives, and the change to also follow your creative and nomadic dreams!


6. Keep Calm and Carry On Selling the Barefeet Adventures experience! :)


Awesome! Your details were sent successfully!

let me help you prepare. find your destiny based on your budget.

it doesn't just take money to travel. preparation is like cash.

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