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  • photography

  • filmmaking

  • theatre

  • mixed media art

  • scrapbooking

  • dance

creative activities

change your life. meet new people. learn new tools for happiness!

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes people happy? are there possibly tools out there that can be used to trigger off the emotion of happiness? and if these tools existed, would you not want them for yourself? At The Happiness Retreat you will get to explore and experience a large and varied array of what we call "tools" to trigger your happiness, and learn how to implement them into everyday life! Some you will know, and you might have already tried, or perhaps you use them already! However there will be many that you have never tried, and perhaps some you have never heard of. We mis a variety of alternative self development tools, along with known and little-known natural therapies, yoga, movement, dance and creativity -so you get a holostic approach, and you can pick and choose which will work best for you in your life. You will get a taste test of a smorgasbord of "Happiness Tools" well worth thousands of dollars, with teachers and natural therapists that are highly effective in their fields. You will walk away feeling like you have learned an incredible amount in the span of two days, and you will have powerful tools that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. The holistic approach to Happiness means that you are cultivating holistic Happiness. Happiness comes from inside and out, from all areas of your human experience: the mind, the body, self esteem, creativity, food, sociability, love. For the skeptics: Give this is go! There is nothing to lose. It might sound "airy fairy" but it is far from it! Happiness is REAL, and therefore our tools are also REAL. We look forward to seeing you at the Happiness Retreat!

the happiness retreat

wellbeing activities

  • yoga

  • qigong

  • meditation

  • hypnotherapy

  • vegan cooking

  • body love


  • naturopathy

  • life coaching

  • astrology

  • reiki

  • massage

  • light therapy

a holistic approach to happiness

The above creative and wellbeing activities are all guided by qualified and experienced people in their fields. The activities will vary from one retreat to the next, but each retreat will offer a wide variety of activities, and most of the activities mentioned above will be a part of each retreat.

let me help you prepare. find your destiny based on your budget.

it doesn't just take money to travel. preparation is like cash.

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