Are you a film pro?
If so, some of these programs are EXACTLY for you, and most likely offer something that you have always wanted to do.
We have been working with filmmakers from all across the globe for the last ten years, in order to make this network as strong and experienced as possible. When you come on board a project, you will get to work in all areas, or the 1-2 areas you are specialized in. You will also get to travel to an exotic, out of the way location, work with local actors and filmmakers, and come away with either a short or feature film project under your belt. Most projects are short, however we do offer a feature project once a year. You must get in fast for the feature projects, as they are one-off opportunities. Usually once we shoot in the one location, we don't return for some time.
Are you a film novice?
Not to worry! While we do work with a lot of already established filmmakers, we work with just as many novices. When you arrive you will go through some workshops trainings, and then most of what you learn will be on the job, and from seasoned professionals.

How does it work?
Well, we all arrive, meet n greet each other, and get to work as soon as is humanly possible, jet lag is taken into consideration in the first couple of days for people arriving from long distances. Then we begin from the very start, around a big round table, or perhaps lounging on some cushions on the ground. Chilling with a chai tea and a few savory snacks, the brainstorming now begins! We spend the first part of the program writing as a team. We have done this time and again, and really know how to get people into "the zone" and get their creative juices flowing. You will be surprised, even those of you who consider yourselves all tech muscle and nothing more. As we spend the first part of the program writing, we will also be taking part in some local volunteering and getting into the "vibe" of the setting, its people, its wonderment. Then goes the pre prod and production. For short films the editing is done on-location, for features, it can go either way. The way it works, is that it is a real communal effort, and while some of us are specialized in certain areas, we will end up working in several areas, learning from others and sharing skills.
Types of projects
Short films
Feature films
Music Videos
How long are the programs?
Depending on the program, anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months. Feature films will obviously take longer.
How are the programs funded?
All the projects are considered "low budget" because technically they are, but we work hard on getting the production value up, and we work with very skilled local and international filmmakers and actors to get a great end product. As no two films are the same (or at least we hope!) no two productions are the same either. We do have a specific "tried n tested" formula that we work with, but anyone who works in film knows that Murphy's Law always prevails... this is why we love it so much! Ohhh the adrenaline! We use basic yet professional up-to-date equipment, and we rely heavily on our talent and collective experience. The funding for locations, insurance, permits, catering, props, costumes and other requirements comes from the program fees. Do not sign up to this program if you are expecting a Hollywood set, you will be shooting an indie film, on indie sets (some can be very nice), with indie catering, and the option to go Guerilla is usually ther preferred option when there is a choice. This is essentially a guerilla filmmaking program.
What is your experience?
Our first feature film Dream Kiss Cry was shot in Sydney, and is now in post production in New York, and then heading to international film festivals. We also have a few shorts on our resume. However as a collective, all the filmmakers involved with Barefeet Adventures, would have made hundreds of films. Many of us do this as a regular job, while others do this as a side gig to their bill-paying jobs. You can check out some of our work on the Barefeet Films page.
Equipment Breakdown
Depending on the shoot and location, we will sometimes rent equipment, and other times we will bring our own equipment. We like to do 2-camera shoots to speed up the process, as we are always pressed for time as on most film sets. If we are really pressed for time, we do end up getting in a second unit (and additional) equipment, but we try to avoid this, as a film is best made with 100% of your participation during the production stage.
Two HD Cameras (sometimes three)
Lavalier Mics
Sennheiser mic and boom
High quality digital recorder
Tripods, unipods, arm brace
Mac laptops
Final Cut Pro and After Effects
Basic lighting kits
Anything additional is rented on site.

We have two kinds of programs in which actors can engage and participate. With the film program, actors will go through the entire filmmaking training, including both filmmaking and acting. They will partake in screenwriting, pre production and production, where their main focus will be preparing for a role in the film being produced. This is a great way for actors to build skills and get a better understanding of all the elements that go into making a film.
With our theatre program, actors will train in many areas, from clowning to alexander technique, improv, theatre games and laban. Most of the training will be based on the Strasberg and Meisner techniques. All actors are welcome to join these workshops, whether seasoned professionals or new to acting. As with the teaching philosophy behind the Lee Strasberg technique, we mix actors of all levels together. This prepares the actor for real world sets and emsembles.
During the training we film monologues and scenes, which are then posted on our website and youtube channel. You will come away with new material to add to your reel, which is likely to l stand out due to the fact that you are in a completely new location.
This a a great opportunity for actors to gain invaluable acting training and experience working on a short or feature film in an out of the way location or major city abroad. All of the films we produce are sent to international film festivals.
Film is our thing.
All programs include a film element, apart from the retreats, which are focused on wellness and relaxation. While we do many kinds of programs, and have many kinds of pros guiding the programs, our main programs are the film programs, as that's what we do best. That is also how we set oursleves apart from all the other adventure travel companies out there.
The actual Short Film and Feature Film programs will be mainly concerned with filmmaking and producing a fiction film. There will always be the option for people to opt out of the fiction film, and choose to make a documentary under a guidance, which is also fine. Some programs will be specifically for documentaries, and those will usually take place when we volunteer in very specific locations with prior acceptance by the subjects in question. While film is our thing however, so is giving back to the community, so all program members, in any program are generally expected to volunteer in the local community. This could mean teach your skills to locals, helping out on their farm or in their business, playing with children at a local orphanage. What you must remember as filmmakers, is that these experiences will also help you in the filmmaking process. As you are new to the location, it will help you to learn more about the place and its people, so when filming time comes around you have a better grasp on how to communicate with local actors and crew, not to mention that your time spent observing your surroundings will make for a more authentic film.
Program Teachers. For each program, we select from our network of specialists, to ensure you get the best experience as possible. All of the people we work with are highly skilled in their field, have many films behind them, as well as experience teaching.

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