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Semicircle of Crystals




positivity | prosperity | new beginnings

Color: Green, olive-green, yellow-green and lime-green

Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Leo, Saggitarius, Scorpio

Chakra: Heart and Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Vibrational Numbers: 5, 6 and 8

Peridot Origins

In mythology and history books, it is said that Peridot was prominent in Ancient Egypt, most specifically on the volcanic island of Zebargad in the Red Sea. This precious gemstone was so treasured by Ancient Egyptians that the island was supposedly kept top secret - what a wonderful plot for a film, right? The island eventually became lost to antiquity only to be rediscovered centuries later in 1906.

Zebargad’s Peridot deposits were exhausted decades ago, however trace elements of the stone have been found in Hawaii, where tiny grains line the beaches, mixed with sand. These are however too small to use for jewelry or manufacturing of any kind. However despite this, these small grains remain an important symbol in Hawaiian mythology, representing the tears of Pele, the Goddess of Fire.

Although they were first discovered in other locations on the planet, today, the largest sources of Peridot are the United States, Myanmar, Pakistan, and the Himalayas.


Peridot Mantra

 “I am letting go of any emotions that do not serve me well. I am closing the book on the past chapters of my life and I am opening the book to the new chapters that await me. I have confidence in myself and in the universe, that this new cycle will bring me happiness, positivity and prosperity".


Peridot Meanings & uses

  • If you're in need of an emotional facelift, place raw Peridot stones over the heart chakra to clear out toxic emotions and feel your spirit opening up to love, the medicine to heal the world.

  • For those unsure of the powers of crystal healing, Peridot is a great stone to help open up the mind. It does so by supporting the solar plexus chakra and clearing out mental blockages --an excellent medicine for skeptics!

  • Also known as 'the study stone' Peridot is known to increase mental focus by making the mind more receptive to learning new things. In your work or study space, having a piece of Peridot could help access its powerful properties, especially during times of challenging academic pursuits or workplace research, as it helps with focus and perseverance.

  • The Romans used Peridot as an energetic medicine for depression. Keep a Peridot stone in your pocket or wear it as jewelry to protect yourself from negative energy while encouraging your sense of self-worth and motivation.

  • Peridot is considered very effective in amplifying Reiki energies especially when held immediately after treatments using heat or warmth of a sauna or even the warmth of your palms.

  • Peridot can assist in discharging emotional issues affecting the physical body. Placed over the Solar Plexus it can help to relax and release nervous tension.

  • Known as a stone to help with “butterflies”. Peridot can help alleviate fear and guilt, anxiety or impatience. A good stone to be used for stage fright and for situations where one must perform on front of others. Place a piece of Peridot over the Heart Chakra to dissolve self doubt and fear. 

  • Placed on the heart, Peridot can also relieve the heaviness of the heart, can empower forgiveness, can alleviate destructive jealousy or dissolve self-doubt.

  • Peridot is highly beneficial for regulating the cycles of one’s life: physical, mental or emotional cycles, as well as intellectual progression, and circadian sleep rhythms.

  • Peridot helps dissipate negative patterns and old vibrations that play over and over, keeping one from realizing that they are deserving of success. By working with Peridot one can remove those blockages and move forward quickly, opening the heart and mind more fully to receive from the Universe with grace and gratitude. 

 Please do not use crystals in the place of medical advice or treatment.


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* Please do not use crystals in the place of medical advice or treatment.

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