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Semicircle of Crystals




balanced heart | courage | raise vibration

Color: Pink, orange and red

Zodiac: Libra

Chakras: Root & Sacral

Element: ?

sunstone Origins

From ancient Greek and Roman culture, to the Vikings, Indians and Native Americans, the Sunstone has been a part of many ancient cultures across the planet and throughout the ages. It is found around the four corners of the globe from North America to India, Russia and Scandinavia. 


Sunstone is found in Canada, India, Norway, Russia, and the United States.


In ancient Greek culture the Sunstone was said to represent the god of the Sun, while in Native American cultures the Sunstone was worn by warriors and believed to give the great courage and mental strength. One legend told, was one of a great warrior who was wounded by an arrow in battle, and his blood is said to have given Sunstone it's color, the stone thus infused with the power and great courage of this warrior. 


In India the stone is used for meditation and rituals, and it is believed to be able to connect you with those departed.


sunstone Mantra

 “I am confident and happy, I connect with those around me effortlessly, my vibration is high, my mind is clear and my heart is inspired to lead, the universe is working in my favor."


sunstone Meanings & uses

Sunstone is a crystal of many positive attributes, bringing abundance and good luck wherever it treads. It is all about freedom, self-empowerment, and independence. This stone can truly be your best companion stone!

It will make you appreciate the fact that you can make decisions about your life, that you are free to do whatever you want, and that you can love the people that you want to love. With the radiance of the sun and the fire of the solar ray, Sunstone carries the energy of Ra, the sun god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the earth.


Placement & Use:

Strongest Attributes

  • Thought to be a stone of personal power, expanded consciousness, and leadership

  • Encourages us to act with grace and aids in active, joyous meditation

  • Highly effective in cleansing the aura and chakras

  • Reminds you that you are doing a good job building a life for yourself

  • Highly effective for removing hooks from possessive loved ones, lovers, or anyone draining of your energy


Physical Healing*

  • Warms the body, increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality

  • Stimulates self-healing powers, regulating and harmonizing all of the organs

  • Used to treat chronic sore throats and to reduce stomach tension and ulcers

  • Excellent for lifting depression and seasonal effective disorder, and is helpful in chasing away nightmares


Emotional Healing*

  • Releases you from possessive people or anyone draining our energy by surrounding these hooks with love and positive energy, and eventually returning them to the source

  • Gives respite from fearfulness and stressful emotions in the mind and energy fields

  • Highly effective in cleansing all chakras

  • Especially beneficial when cutting ties or when you have difficulty saying “no”

  • Helps remove codependency, overcomes procrastination, and encourages self-empowerment and independence


Feng Shui: Fire energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. Sunstone is an abundance stone believed to attract fame and unexpected prosperity. It is an excellent “good luck” crystal for competitions. This stone of leadership also encourages independence and helps you to realize your talents, abilities, and strength of your mind.


Dreams: Sunstone helps bring positivity in your life. When you surround yourself with positive forces, you align yourselves with your goals, helping you manifest your dreams and intentions. Sunstone also clarifies the mind and promotes personal power, making you a better and wiser leader.


Meditation: Sunstone is an alchemical stone bringing a profound connection to light and the regenerative power of the sun during meditation and in everyday life.



 Please do not use crystals in the place of medical advice or treatment.


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* Please do not use crystals in the place of medical advice or treatment.

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