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caramel jasper

Caramel Jasper.webp

caramel jasper

nurture | balance | protection

Color: Yellow, caramel, orange, mustard-brown

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral

Element: Fire

Vibrational Number: 6

Caramel Jasper Origins  (AKA: yellow jasper)

Jasper symbolizes will power and protection, and was worn by warriors in the middle ages. It was also known as the Warrior’s Stone. Jasper was often adorned on the armor and weapons of leaders, warriors and royalty, even some of history's most notable figures from the Middle Ages. Jasper is found in many parts of the world today, most especially in Africa, Brazil and India, as well as Madagascar, South Africa, Russia, India, Venezuela, Australia, Uruguay, and the US.


Caramel Jasper Mantra

 “I am grounded and well protected by the universe. I am completely relieved from stress and anxiety, I feel at peace, I feel a balance in all areas of my life. I spread positivity wherever I go. I pick up on the positivity of people, animals and places, wherever I go"


Caramel Jasper Meanings & uses

  • Helps build self-confidence and promote emotional clarity.

  • Shields against negativity and depression.

  • Assists one in rectifying unjust circumstances.

  • Offers courage to act assertively and effectively.

  • Helps maintain realistic attitude during personal evolution.

  • Can be used in all animal healing.

  • Balances the energy in the body and helps to ground you.

  • Assists one in reaching his/her personal independence.

  • Gives courage to speak out and speak up.

  • Protects the wearer against various situations: protects during the night or in the dark, protects during spiritual work, and protects when traveling.

  • Helps in gaining a better understanding of each situation.

  • Assists in sorting out emotions that are hard to pin down and encourages taking the time to examine how one truly feels on a matter.

  • Helps one to become strong and balanced for ultimate stability.

  • Promotes inner strength, helping one to bear life’s frustrating experiences and providing the tenacity and perseverance to overcome them.

  • Eases one’s self-consciousness and worries.

  • Aids digestion by clearing environmental toxins and impurities and building up a stable, long-term immune system.

  • Has strong protection energy and connects with the vibration of the wearer to assist in balancing of their particular energy. 

  • Yellow jasper is an excellent stone because it can guide you through your earthly experiences. It will also ensure that you are moving forward on your life path.

  • It is also a stone of intellect that is popularly used by scholars, scientists, poets, and physicians.

  • It helps keep your mind clear and focused.

  • The yellow jasper is generally placed in the center of a home or room to bring cheerfulness, light, and energy to the entire space. Yellow is the color of the middle of the year, the middle of space, the sun, and light energy.

  • Used to promote dream recall, visioning, and dream work.

  • All jaspers provide calm, harmonious energy for meditation. It is particularly protective during deep meditation or mind travel and is highly conducive for connecting to the earth, its ancient cultures, and all living things that exist in nature.

 Please do not use crystals in the place of medical advice or treatment.


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* Please do not use crystals in the place of medical advice or treatment.

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